Ready Captain |
Richmond |
Curtains go up, so we can go through |
Just made it under this bridge with the tide coming in |
We made it Westminister |
Very exciting! |
Will we make it, yes, no, yes. We are the last two to jump on the Cockney Sparrow boat heading for Westminster via the Thames. Will we go upstairs, of course. Time to sit back and relax as the sites of the river slide but first we have the safety announcement, from our first mate. Ladies and gentlemen, lords and ladies, we have life boat on both sides of the boat, with enough food and water for 6 weeks or you can just swim to the side of the river. Its good to calm down after the intensity of the show. Ladies, please pay, what credit cards - not possible you will have to walk the plank. Posh houses and fishing shacks roll by before we know it we are a Richmond.
Why is there concrete piers across the river. Its a loch, there is the loch man. Is that what they are called? The captain expertly manoeuvres in between drags on his ciggie. Now he dons a lifejacket with the first mate and they do things with ropes. We drop a long way, waiting, waiting. Something miraculous has happened - I have no idea what and the gates are automatically open. After all that excitement its time for a cup of tea, we scrape together just enough coins for two cups, no cake today. Thinking of that where is the first mate he said to wait till Richmond to pay by credit card.
The guy behind us is taking his friend from Berlin for a tour. His running commentary and little stories are trivial but fascinating. There is where he and his Dad go to watch Fulham play. This bridge is bedlam and peak hour on and on it goes.
Now for our next obstacle we are doing donuts and I don't know why. Ah, for this bridge if we wait a few minutes the tide will be right to miss the loch. So wait we do, the curtains raise, everyone on the top deck is snapping photos and then under the drips we go. Thankfully we did not get wet but the back of the boat did.
Closer to London and many more bridges as we chug along on the Cockney Sparrow, the sun is shining, the wind is pleasant, this is tourisitng with ease and style. Right oh, that Captain has put down his ciggie, must be something important happening now. He has a screwdriver. Is the motor not working? No, he has decided to do some maintenance and take down an aerial. What? Announcement, keep all arms below or they will be broken. Under Hammersmith Bridge we go with only an inch or two to spare. Apparently the tide was nearly too high and we would have had to turn around if we where a few minutes later.
Lots of big apartment blocks now, where we walked at Chelsea along the embankment last weekend, the Battersea power station under gentrification and lots more. Finally Westminster Bridge, Houses of Parliament and the London Eye are all laid out in front of us. There’s that funny first mate again. Ladies, you got this trip for free. Well thank you!
Now you think most people after a big day out, then a 3 hour boat ride would go home. But not us, we have an important appointment at Bond St. Burberry. Take a seat ladies, we will just be a moment. The moments get longer, and longer. Would you like a drink ladies? Yes, please - champagne hits the spot. Finally it arrives, THE coat. Try it on, sleeves done to perfection by the Burberry tailors. Now Catherine would you like to see the different styles. Yes, please. This way or with scarf, casual tided here, do the bow know this way. How will I ever remember all this I hope they have you tube videos. Finally the wrapping and a bow and we are on our way to dinner.
For a Friday night London is buzzing but we get a seat after the theatre crowds. Lovely meal and now its time to head for home. Let’s Skype Stephen whilst we walk to the bus. A bus from Selfridges down Oxford St. Jane says, up the top? Where else I ask? The bus has only gone 100m and its stopped there is a big crowd of people and coppers around, what is happening? All of Oxford St is at a standstill its an impromptu protest the police have it all under control and after a bit of a delay we are on our way and its time to say goodbye to Stephen.
We are late home. Bath and bed. Zzzzzzz.