On my fav flight, QF1 to London |
Geffrye Museum |
Hanging out with the beautiful people |
Old Sessions, Clerkenwell |
Collage workshop |
Our creations |
Smithfield Markets |
St Barts Church, the vicars stamping their feet waiting for the bride |
The bride running fashionably late |
Banksy at the Barbican, drawing a crowd |
Walking in the front gate, I am greeted by
spiders. Apparently, they are friendly and don’t kill you like Australian spiders. A cup of tea and a bath and it's off we set in the sunshine. Can’t believe how warm it is. Yes, there is blue sky. Lets go.
First stop is the
Geffrye Museum of the home to entertain our fantasies on
Victorian wallpapers. Now its a
detour from the schedule to check out the
‘Here we are’ exhibition that closes today. Google maps is helpful, take the 243 bus to stand K. Spotting street art as we go we arrive at the imposing old sessions building.
The place is pumping, music blaring, pretty young things giggling and hanging out, fashionista bloggers snapping just the right angle on braided coats with fake diamonds and lots of tartan and glamour.
Whats that on the walls? Its photographs, this is clever. An exhibition of British photography in celebration of the Burberry September 2017 collection. I have seen this building on the youtube clips of the Burberry fashion shows. Now we get to explore, up, down and around. Distressed walls, crazy clothes and lots of angles to shoot.
Finally, our
FOMO is feed and we have checked out every room, there is one last area, What are the people in there doing? Ohh, its
collage, A big pile of scissors, glue and magazines, with some inspiration from the artist in residence,
Martin Gayford. We quickly find some seats and settle into creative mode. This is London at its best.
Later we learn that originally this building was a courthouse and in one year alone sentenced over 200 convicts to purgatory in Australia. Little did they know that years later Australian’s would return to the same building to hang out and do collage. Best detour ever, thanks Jane.
Many other things happened today including a wedding at
St Barts, the
oldest church in London and used in many movies, including
Four Weddings and a Funeral. Spotted the first Schnauzer, Clet, Invader and the two new
Bansky’s at the Barbican. Phew, time for a cup of tea and bed. It's late.