Monday 28 November 2011

Did this bird use hair colour?

This is a Little Pied Cormorant with a chick in the nest. There where quite a few nests around with chicks of all different ages, maybe this one was a second clutch. The chick was constantly bothering the parent for more food. Little Pied Cormorant's are common, but we have not seen one with such extensive breeding colouring on the head before.

Spoonie on a Sunday

This morning we went out to Mt Annan and Stephen captured this Yellow-billed Spoonbill feeding at the edge of Lake Sedgwick. This bird is often here and moves in-between the two lakes. Yellow-billed Spoonbills are quite large about 70-90cm and methodical in how they feed around the lake edge.

Wednesday 2 November 2011

What you can find on a MTB ride

The punk rocker of the bird world a Great Crested Grebe. Stephen found this one when we he was on the way to the Enduro Trail at The Australian Botanical Gardens. The largest of the grebe's at about 50cm long. They are excellent divers and will dive rather than fly to avoid danger.