Tuesday 16 October 2012

Two for the price of one

Sugar Glider

Squirrel Glider

Sydney has had some extreme weather lately, it was snowing on Friday and today it is 34 degrees.  After dinner we decided to take advantage of the heat and see if there is any night time activity in the nearby bush.
We started at a well known spot for owlets, nothing. Did a big circle of the bush around the ovals, nothing. Rosco is enjoying the night time sniff and wee but that’s about it for fun.
We decide on one final search and go down one of Stephen’s mountain bike tracks. As usual Stephen is out in front and Rosco and I are bringing up the rear guard. In some scraggily casurina’s Stephen spots a bit of movement. Yeah. He cautiously approaches and discovers a Sugar Glider descending down a tree. A snap and a flash and the glider is recorded for posterity. Moving on down the track and then back again we discover another glider enjoying the sap from the tree. This time it is a Squirrel Glider with a gorgeous yellow edged belly.  
Both are a joy to watch, a successful night out. Next time we will try and find the nest.