Saturday 7 June 2014

Grit and street art

Flatiron in the morning sunshine



Typical building in the area

By GilfNYC an artist from Brooklyn

The Strand Bookstore
Down into the subway I go and emerge at 23rd street at the iconic Flatiron building. Photo’s done, now its time to get moving I have a target in my sights, will I get it? I can tell I have come down from the rarified air of uptown as I walk along the street over post Friday night vomit, beer bottles and rubber gloves. 
Keep on going, one more block and yes I don’t even have to hunt for it, its there in plain view my first American Invader, and its one of his bigger pieces looking a little bit damaged now. Tick. Conveniently Invader placed his work close to steps for the Highline so up I go to escape the grottiness. The Highline is an old elevated railway track that has been converted into a garden, it’s a neat idea and glorious in the sun. Gives quite a different perspective of the old buildings and even glimpses of the Hudson River.
I get to the end of the Highline and there is market stalls. Yes, bracelets my favourite holiday shopping item. Hmm, which one will I have? The guy is very patient whilst I try them all on. Now I have a very unique souvenir of New York.
On to continue the leisurely street art hunt. A few good pieces, fire trucks running around and a teddy bear suspended from a rope in the air across an intersection. Is it art or a joke? There is another closed book store, am I ever going to find a bookstore in this city?
What’s that green ahead, my navigation must be working today. Its Washington Square Park. Once I get in it’s a curious mix of locals, tourists, hobos and a guy playing a piano. Time for an icecream, $3 thank you Mam. So formal. Now I am going to sit down in the shade and enjoy the music.
Onwards to shopping, lots of little funky shops intermingled with street art, Elizabeth St is my favourite. A new handbag and a few other things to be squashed into my luggage at some later date.
Ok time to get serious about finding a bookshop lets hop on the subway back to Union Square and head up Broadway to the Strand. Its getting very hot and being Saturday people are everywhere. Now this is a bookshop, 4 levels, starts with books about New York, then classics. This place is good, a true example of the saying, everything is bigger and better in America.
Back on the subway to home, let’s dump this stuff and get ready for tonight’s event. Do I wear the top of the rock sequined number or make art not war? Decisions, decisions.


  1. Your photo of the Flatiron building makes it look extra flat!!! Optical illusion I think. Just got a bit of extra information on it from wikipedia and wonder if you have seen this photo of the view from inside a 'point' office (not that skinny after all)!

    1. Thanks for the link to the photo that is much bigger on the inside than it looked to me. In a city with so many architectural styles, Flatiron really stands out.
