Tuesday 23 June 2015

Goodbye Berlin, Hello London

Sculling German beer on last night

After effects of beer

Rainy Berlin

On the plane

Sunny London

Sue with champagne

Harry has grown a lot!
Happy family in the garden, a better photo to come from Jeff

Finally, I have learnt enough to say our room number in German at breakfast. Success! Pity it’s the last day.
Yes, its time for the whole taxi, plane, taxi palaver which I like to keep to a minimum in each holiday. Its pouring rain and downright miserable in Berlin, a good day to move on. Taxi, tick. Flight to London, tick. Interrogation by customs, slow. She asks me the standard questions and some more and now some more. I had to remember where I have been and what I did, it would have been easier to send her a link to the blog.
Out into London weather, sunshine. How beautiful.
Time for one quick load of washing, now its walking shoes on and off to Mary and Jeff’s for dinner. Its all in full swing when we arrive Sue and Harry are already there. My London family is totally mad and Harry has grown about 10 feet since I last saw him. What a dinner, roast pork and all the baked vegetables, just the kind of dinner I have been craving!
Suzie drives us home in her new Fiat, a totally spunky car.
Now at home Jane starts to upload her photos and we calculate between us we have taken 3,592 photos. That might be a tad excessive. Time for me to fall into bed for tomorrow is another day.


  1. Third time lucky...why does this blog keep deleting my comments??????

    Well, I feel like I now have a better idea about Berlin. Looking forward to more stories, but perhaps don't need to see every photo ;-)

    1. Maybe the blog deems your comments are to sarcastic?
      Anyhow I like them, you always make me laugh. I thought we where booked in for 28th July to see every single photo and hear all the stories that are not in the blog. Have you got something more important to do like wash your hair?

  2. I think that is the night Leyla is her massage and clip!

  3. Let's try that again: I think that is the night Leyla is getting her massage and clip!
